2010.04 開通 2017.04.21-IP計次
hello , here some news from us Van Hertem- Schuurmans
We start the racing season only with hens because the weather is still too cold , but they are taking a good start on 8/4/2012 we start with the first price between 1329 pigeons and last week the same hen have the first price between 510 pigeons and the 6 from 1728 pigeons , so are start go's well. The young birds are flying verry well so an a few weeks we can start with the training
best regards Lisette 中短距離的哈利.凡赫特姆一開賽即贏得幼鴿1329羽、510羽2場1位、1728羽6位的好成績!
2012.04.18 02:34:12
Hello. We are the tandem Van Hertem - Schuurmans and are racing pigeons since 1970 with good results for more than 30 years.
In 2010 we were second in the overall championschip of Limburg, the province we live in Belgium. In our club we were first in all the championschips. We won 41 times the first price in a race.
We like to thank all the fanciers who has bought one of our pigeons during the last auction in October. For those who didn't receive the pigeons yet, we hope the shipping problmes will be solved and that they will get the pigeon very soon.
You can allways contact me on my email address lisette.schuurmans@gmail.com
2011.12.23 22:28:03

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